HostMonster Review

HostMonster = BlueHost!

HostMonster is actually founded and operated by the same man who founded and operates BlueHost, i.e. Matt Heaton! Surprise! Surprise!

If you look at the contact page of both sites, they shows the same mailing address! Before this, they even share the same contact numbers! You will also notice from the contact page that the business development manager is James Grierson for both companies.

Their web design look alike. Their order forms is exactly the same! Both of them offer only 1 hosting plan which is exactly the same!

I won't bother you with another review on HostMonster because they are exactly the same. You should read my BlueHost review to learn more about them.

You should choose BlueHost over HostMonster!

The HostMonster offer price is $6.95 for 12 months and $5.95 for 24 months and 36 months. I cannot negotiate a better deal for you. That means you should sign up with BlueHost because currently they are offering our visitors a very very special promotion price.

Make sure you read my BlueHost review to learn more about them.


Click Here to Visit HostMonster

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- BlueHost vs HostMonster - Why I am biased towards BlueHost?

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